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Welcome to Jazz Vocalist Society of Japan!


Here at JVSJ, we intend to support all jazz vocalists who want to get better”, by hosting various workshops by international jazz instructors and providing various useful information.

Each and every jazz vocalist has a style of their own.

Some may carry a big band with their strong voice, when some may go for a more emotional ballad with a piano-base-drum trio. Maybe a passionate Latin tune, some powerful blues, or even some groovy Brazilian numbers.

The best part of jazz chorus is that we get to see all of those unique styles come together to create a thrilling harmony. The combination of similar yet very different styles is sure to bring something totally new and beautiful to your musical life.

The depth of jazz is its most wonderful quality, but it also makes it a little scary to get into. What song should I chose? What kind of voice? What key? How do I scat? Its very easy to get lost in the endless haze of questions.

Thus we are here to help you out from this beautiful yet confusing maze of jazz, and to help you step up as performer.

Now, its time for you to join in!


AYACO Workshop

12/9(土) 〜全国から招くボーカリスト シリーズ No.3〜 “AYACO …

JVSJ 「ちょっと早めのクリスマスパーティー&忘年会 2017」

気がつけば、2017年もあと少し。 秋も深まって、あたたかい飲み物がほっとする時…


JVSJでは、このたび、期間限定でプレ・サポーターを募集します。 2017年10…

一般社団法人 日本ジャズボーカリスト協会定款

一般社団法人 日本ジャズボーカリスト協会定款   第1章総則 (名 称...

©JVSJ - Jazz Vocalist Society of Japan